Strategic Marketing

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Strategic Marketing

Marketing for direct results!
How can Phoenix Strategic Marketing Advice help you?

Let's Talk...

CONSULTATION During consultation we do everything we can to learn about you, your business, your clients and your industry. We then supplement this with further research of our own, gathering every scrap of relevant information, leaving nothing to chance.
Phoenix works very closely with our clients, and initially takes lead from them, drawing on your invaluable experience and industry knowledge to help us build our strategy planning process.

Getting Started...

INTERNAL MARKETING STRATEGY Internally, we analyse your customer contact and sales processes. With your support, we then define objectives for each of these points of contact. Phoenix then makes recommendations for improving these processes to maximize Return On Investment (R.O.I).
Our goal regarding internal marketing is to document working processes & to formulate new ones to improve sales conversion.

Look Outside...

EXTERNAL MARKETING STRATEGY Externally we look at all present advertising & marketing initiatives undertaken by your business. We then investigate areas of advertising or Public Relations where we can capitalize on without added expense. Phoenix assess potentially lucrative business relationships or affiliations, and organises these dealings on your behalf.

How Much to Spend?

PROJECTING FOR SUCCESS Throughout every step, we run all of our ideas through our R.O.I Filter. We analyse the expense of proposed initiatives and campaigns. We then analyse the projected best and worst-case scenarios for financial returns. These projections are based on standard industry benchmarks in addition to our tried and tested experiences and collective expertise.

It Pays to Know...

PLANNING, BRANDING & GROWING! Using years of experience, established systems and proven strategies, Phoenix will devise a marketing plan and calendar of activities that yield higher R.O.I.
We work hard and plan intelligently to ensure that your brand has a consistent and sustainable presence in the market place year to year, resulting in maximum marketing cost effectiveness.